Hylands Park Engagement Shoot With Monika & Michael

Get all the details of Monika and Michael’s stunning Hylands Park engagement shoot, ahead of their wedding abroad next year.

I first met with Monika and Michael at one of my recent wedding fairs to discuss their wedding plans and photography requirements.

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They have opted on a wedding day with a difference by get married abroad, this time next year.

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This is a decision that many couples don’t make lightly and understanding that not everyone can attend, Monika and Michael are having a ceremony with their friends and family in the UK. This means double celebrations and they get a chance to share their day with everyone.

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For their engagement shoot, we headed to my favourite Hylands Park to mark this special time in their lives.

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Autumn is a beautiful time of the year for shooting outdoors. The gorgeous lighting and abundance of beautiful colours serves as a stunning backdrop. The cooler weather also means the park is a little quieter, meaning we could move around with ease, taking advantage of the park’s many points of interest.

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Monika and Michael quickly got into the flow. They are definitely naturals in front of the camera.
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The tree covered area in Hylands Park is always a great location for photos. Monika nailed these shots.

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Congratulations Monika and Michael. Wishing you the best of luck with your wedding plans.


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