Photography tips for snap happy wedding guests

Be snap happy wedding guests without interfering with the professional photos thanks to these top tips for perfect wedding guest photography.

Photography tips for guests

In today’s modern society, our lives are constantly documented thanks to digital technology. Smart phones and digital cameras mean you won’t ever miss a moment which for today’s bride and groom leaves them with tones of photos to enjoy after the wedding. But with this surge in digital technology, professional photographers can find themselves battling for that perfect shot. So here, we share our top photography tips for snap happy wedding guests to ensure they unobtrusively capture that perfect shot.

When should guests step away from the camera?

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Generally speaking, it isn’t a problem when guests take photos at a wedding. However, there are a few moments when they can interfere with the professional photos. When the church doors open and the bridal party makes their descent down the aisle, there’s the temptation to reach into bags and grab cameras. This is fine until guests begin leaning over the side of pews and into the aisle, which can take away from the photographer’s shot. A photographer wants to see your beaming faces, smiling at the bridal party, rather than the flash of your camera.

Another occasion to be mindful of is when the photographer steals the couple away after the ceremony for some private shots. This is a time for the newlyweds to breathe after the chaos of the morning and enjoy a quiet moment together as Mr and Mrs. If guests follow, this can ruin the moment and the couple are less likely to relax in front of the camera.

It’s also worth noting the couple’s request. More and more brides and grooms are opting for a digital ban on their wedding day so if this is something they want, honour it.

When’s the best time for guests to take photos?

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The best thing to consider is whether it could interrupt the flow of the day or the professional photos. If it will have no effect on proceedings, then snap away. Some officiants will prohibit photos being taken during the ceremony and will invite guests to capture a few photos during the signing of the register.

The best time of the day for guests’ photography is when the couple have returned from the professional photos and the group shots have been taken. This is usually when the happy couple start mingling with guests before and after the meal. You’ll get a really good snapshot of the celebratory mood of the day, with plenty of laughter and smiles all round.

Traditionally, guests take photos during the speeches, cake cutting and first dance. Again, there are no issues here as long as you aren’t stepping into the professional photographer’s shot.

How to take great photos on your smartphone or digital camera

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A good top tip when using either your smartphone or digital camera is rather than zooming in, move closer to the person or object to avoid the image being blurry.

With your camera phone or tablet, get it to focus by tapping the centre of the screen before you take the photo. Likewise, with your digital camera, press the button slightly to engage the focus.

For photos outside, turn the flash off as it isn’t always needed during daylight hours.

Finally, there are some amazing photo filter apps available to take your photos to the next level.

Armed with these top tips, you can confidently snap happy at the next wedding you attend without fear of interfering with those professional photos.

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