The ultimate bridal beauty countdown

As a bride-to-be, no doubt your aim is to look flawless on your wedding day. With all eyes on you, not to mention photos which capture your every move, your mind has probably wandered to how you can achieve the perfect beauty routine ahead of the big day. And thankfully, it’s not as big a mission as you might think. Here, we share the ultimate bridal beauty countdown to help you look your best on your wedding day.

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6 months to go

If your skin is a concern, now is the time to book an appointment with a dermatologist. This is the best way to get professional advice on which products are best for your skin. With six months to go, don’t start experimenting with new products yourself. Instead, put your trust in the hands of someone who knows skin inside and out.

When it comes to your skin, consider more than just your face. If your décolletage will be on show, moisturise daily to keep the area beautifully soft and consider incorporating a body scrub into your beauty routine. Now is also the perfect time to up your water intake. Staying hydrated will ensure your skin glows.

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3 months to go

This is the time for your hair and make-up trials. Ahead of your consultation, try to get clear on what you like. This is where Pinterest will serve as your saviour! Pin styles that you like and you’ll probably very quickly notice a pattern emerging. When you have your style in mind, show your stylist so they can offer advice on re-creating this look in a way that suits you for your wedding day. Don’t forget to bring along a photo of your dress so that your hair and make-up team can assess the neckline. If you’ve already purchased your headpiece, bring this too so you can get an overall feel for your wedding day look.

If you plan on having your teeth whitened for your wedding, now is also the time to look into this as various methods vary in length. Furthermore, book any other appointments such as nails and eyebrows for the week of the wedding.

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4-6 weeks to go

At this stage, your new beauty routine will be well in place, your appointments are booked and your skin will be looking flawless so it’s time to have some fun. Purchase your chosen lipstick and if you’re planning on doing your own make-up, visit some professional make-up counters and ask for their top tips. Or, bring your bridesmaids along for a make-up lesson. This is the perfect way to have some fun ahead of the big day.

With the wedding just a matter of weeks away, now is not the time to start experimenting with new products. Stay clear of any harsh treatments such as peels or exfoliating facials.

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2 weeks to go

You don’t want to get your hair cut or coloured too close to the actual wedding. Two weeks prior is perfect. Don’t take drastic measures here by completely changing your colour or style. At this stage, a trim and top up of colour is the perfect way to ensure no unexpected hair horrors occur.

Also, because many of your appointments for your wedding day will have been made months ago, a quick call to confirm them will offer reassurance that everything is in place for the day.

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1 week to go

Use this week for any final touches, such as waxing, tanning or eyebrow or eyelash tinting. As it’s the week before the wedding, at this stage, everything should be in place. Keep stress to a minimum during this week. Book a brightening facial and massage to keep relaxation levels at an all time high.

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Just 1 day to go

Again, it’s all about remaining calm. Try not to spend the day running around finalising things that could have been done months ago. Get an early night with a hot bath and a cuppa and at least try to get some sleep!

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Now all that’s left to do is wake up and allow your hair and makeup team to take care of the rest.

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