Save the date wedding app

save the date wedding app

The perfect way to share your wedding day details

Specifically designed for the busy couple who want to concentrate on their wedding plans and not have to worry about how to share their wedding details with friends, family and guests.

When you first get engaged and start to plan your wedding you want everyone to know when you’ve confirmed your date so they can ensure they are available for your big day. You’ll also need to know who’s coming so you can plan the numbers for your ceremony, wedding breakfast and of course the evening entertainment.

So how do you go about telling all of your guests about your forthcoming wedding?

Save the date webApps

Traditionally you would spend a few hours at the shops or online looking for ‘Save the Date’ cards that catch your eye. Once you’ve purchased your cards you would spend a few more hours filling out all the important information and RSVP cards.

Spend a small fortune on postage not only to send your cards but also for the pre-paid RSVP envelopes to get your RSVP’s back!

There is nothing wrong with this approach and it’s been used for years but, it does have its limitations. This is where my ‘Save the Date’ WebApp comes to your aid!

Save the date App

What my ‘Save the Date’ WebApp can offer for you

Your ‘Save the Date’ WebApp can be downloaded to your mobile devices so you will have it with you all the time! The ultimate, modern way of sharing your wedding day information.

Here is a summary for of what it offers:

  • RSVP invite with a ‘Save the Date’ calendar entry option perfect for ensuring your special day is stored in their calendars!
  • Plans and schedule of your day
  • Location & accommodation details with photos, maps and contact information
  • Information about how you met, your proposal etc
  • Photos – Share some of your own or use your professional engagement/pre-wedding session photos
    • You can even share some of your wedding photos after your big day!
  • Provide your online gallery details so your family, friends and guests can see all of your photos
  • Gift voucher ideas

An easy, time and cost effective way of informing all of your guests about your wedding details. Click the button to get in touch for more information.

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More details about the WebApp

Wedding Planning Sharing App

Keep your family, friends and guests up to date effortlessly with changes or information as your wedding plans evolve.

You can even share information about yourselves, the magical moment of your proposal and even a personal message for your guests.

Of course you’ll also want to share some of those lovely photos from your engagement session, maybe even a few of your own personal photos. You can even include a video and links to your secure online galleries. The perfect way of sharing your professional engagement / pre-wedding session and of course the all-important wedding photos when they are ready!

A schedule of your day is also included so your guests know exactly what time they should arrive and most importantly where they need to go, along with maps and photos of your venue and even accommodation information.

You also have the option of including gift vouchers which will make buying wedding gifts effortless for your guests.

Save your ‘Save the Date’ WebApp directly to your mobile devices so you and your guests have ALL of your wedding information at your finger tips!

Not only will your ‘Save the Date’ WebApp contain all of this information and be accessible on mobile devices, it can also be accessed through a traditional web browser. All updates are automatically sent to anyone who has your ‘Save the Date’ WebApp making all of your up to date information available immediately!

Best of all the ‘Save the Date’ WebApp just needs to be shared with your friends and family. There is no need to search the App store or GooglePlay, simply click on the share link and enter their email address!

Just think how much time, effort and money this could potentially save you in ensuring your wedding day runs as smoothly as possible, not just for you but also for your guests!

Tablet save the date webapp view

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Here are some answers to questions people often ask when inquiring about my Save the date WebApp

I’ve already sent my Save The Date cards out, can I still use the WebApp?

Of course – It’s a great way of sharing your wedding venue details, travel information and the schedule of your day and more. All things that you would have to send out at a later date anyway!

We have a date but no venue. Can the WebApp still be used?

Absolutely – It’s a great way for keeping your guest aware of your plans as when when you confirm detals.

I have booked another photographer so can I still use your WebApp?

Yes – My WebApp is a service that I provide to anyone who is getting married. Once you pay for your WebApp you just need to supply your information and photos and I’ll look after the rest.

Do I need to book you as my wedding photographer?

No – My WebApp is a service that I provide to anyone who is getting married, you just need to supply your information and photos and I’ll look after the rest. The price includes 5 draft iterations and then once live, 1 update per section and up to 3 updates for your schedule. There is no added charge for hiding or showing sections. For example, you may wish to hide the details of your venue, timings etc until they are finalised.

If you did book me as your photographer, I would be able to include my professional photographs and my service would also includes updates of your information as and when it becomes available at no extra cost, adding that little extra personal touch to your WebApp.


0800-634-4455 or 07961-101-725


Godfree Weddings