Bridal Preparation Photos

My most popular photography packages by a mile would be one of my All-Day coverage’s. When I talk to future Bride and Grooms about what they are looking for from a photographer the consensus is pretty much the same “We want everything covered and photographed perfectly”.

When I mention the Bridal preparation I always get funny looks until I explain my interpretation of Bridal Preparation. Now my coverage of the Bridal Preparation isn’t the Bride with morning hair and sleepy eyes being prepared for her big day. This would not make a flattering contribution to any wedding collection!

I prefer to concentrate on the little details that they have spent many days and hours on choosing for their big day and then some nice complementary touch up photos of the Bride when they are looking at their best. Here is a small selection of my Bridal Preparation photos:

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Check out my portfolio and featured weddings for more samples of my Bridal Preparation or, if you would like to discuss your wedding photography please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you.


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