Top tips for indecisive brides

Long or short? White or ivory? When you think about it, planning a wedding is really a big list of decisions to be made. While some brides know exactly what they want, others have a trickier time and indecision creeps in. If you fall into the ‘indecisive brides’ category, don’t panic. Here, I share my top tips to ensure your wedding planning experience is a breeze!


Practice the power of threes


When planning your wedding, enforce the practice of threes. Often, making decisions is hardest when we are overwhelmed by endless options. An easy way to rectify this is to only choose between three options. Realising this will make your planning a whole lot easier, especially for indecisive brides. When deciding on your cake, call only three bakers, try to only visit three dress shops and narrow down bridesmaid dress options to just three. There are so many wedding vendors out there and you could meet with a new one every day so keep things simple by starting out with just three.

Don’t seek opinions


How many times have you made a decision in your head and someone says something, which has the power to completely sway it? When it comes to wedding planning, EVERYONE will have an opinion on your day. But remember, it’s your day and at the end of it, your opinion is really the only one that matters. So the advice here is to go with your instinct and only seek the advice of one or two people whose opinions you value.

Call in a professional

If you’re a bride who is having a really difficult time making decisions, hiring a professional wedding planner may save you heartache in the long run. More and more indecisive brides are calling on wedding planners for their expert advice. Because they work with a network of experienced vendors, they’ll be able to find exactly what you need to bring your wedding day vision to life.

Seek inspiration from what you know


The reason why brides tend to get overwhelmed is because they are dealing with something that’s entirely new to them. Up until now, many brides won’t have given colour schemes or flower types any thought. So instead of getting bogged down by a world of wedding jargon, seek comfort in the surroundings around you. If you can’t think of a colour scheme, look at your home. Which colours feature most prominently in it? When deciding on flowers, think about which are your favourite. Often, keeping things simple is the easiest way to come to a decision.

Swerve Pinterest

While we always praise the power of Pinterest, for indecisive brides, it’s probably best to give it a miss. Pinterest is good if you already have an idea of what you want for your wedding day. But if you are completely clueless, endless options are sure to overwhelm. Just when you think you’ve made up your mind, something else will capture your eye.

Say “Yes” to the dress


Many brides often start with finding their dress, and base the rest of the wedding decisions on it. Vintage, glamorous, casual or fun, use the style of your dress to determine the theme for your wedding day.

But most of all, have fun! Remember why exactly you are getting married in the first place. Relax a little and watch as everything falls effortlessly into place.

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