Wedding planning tips for busy brides

Wedding planning is such an exciting time, but it also comes with its own stresses. Life can be busy, especially if both you and your partner work full-time, so adding in time to plan a wedding can seem like a daunting task. But of course, it is doable. Check out our wedding planning tips for busy brides for a stress-free approach.

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Monica Geller it

We might all have had a bit of a laugh when Monica brought out her wedding binder but there was a method in her madness. When it comes to wedding planning, organisation is key, especially if you live an already busy life. Before you buy a bridal magazine, start calling venues or familiarising yourself with Pinterest, unleash your love for stationary. Buy all the planners, ring binders and sticky notes you need so there’s no excuse for being disorganised. Or, if you really are a modern day girl, start a spreadsheet and check out the tones of amazing wedding apps on the market.

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Get the go ahead from your boss

Before you set the date, speak to your boss. Inform him or her of your great news and the date you have in mind for your wedding to check it won’t conflict with any work commitments. While taking a day off here and there probably won’t be an issue, asking in advance will definitely work in your favour. Book your annual leave for any time off you need prior to the wedding, as well as your honeymoon.

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Keep your lists at your fingertips

You never know when a great idea might strike so keep your lists handy. Whether it’s a planner on your phone, or a notebook in your handbag, having these to hand means that you can add to them and cross off tasks as and when you need to. The advantage of having a digital planner is that you can share your list with your partner so that they too can contribute and lighten the load.

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Plan your time carefully

Working 9 to 5 means that for many brides, attending appointments during the week just isn’t feasible. And if this is the case for you, it’s the case for loads of couples, meaning that Saturday appointments can be hard to come by. This is where planning ahead will really pay off. Check your groomsmen and bridesmaids’ availability so that when you call vendors to book appointments, you know exactly which dates suit. This will save toing and froing and risking losing your slot.

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Do your research

Planning and research really do go hand-in-hand. Before you start calling venues and booking florists, think about what it is that you really want for your wedding day. Having a clear vision for your wedding means that you won’t make rash decisions when put on the spot. If you have a certain type of venue in mind, use this to narrow down your search. If you love a specific dress designer, list boutiques that stock them to avoid wasting time. Your time is precious and this is the perfect way to save it, while ensuring you get what you want for your wedding day.

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Plan on-the-go

A full time job and wedding planning ensure that you’ll be planning on-the-go. While it can be easy to come home from work and take to the sofa, your limited time needs to be used wisely. You won’t need to use every spare second that you have (and this is something we definitely don’t recommend), but scheduling in wedding planning time is the perfect way to ensure everything gets done. Whether it’s the commute by train to work, or an hour in the evening, being productive will ensure there’s no last minute stresses about incomplete tasks.

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As a busy bride, recognising that you can’t do everything yourself will be the best thing you can do. Whether you call on the help of a wedding planner, or you delegate tasks to your wedding party and friends, this is the easiest way to lighten the load and ensure everything is taken care of.

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Have fun

And last but not least, the golden rule is to remember to have fun. Planning a wedding is a special time, and the perfect way for you and your partner to enjoy some me-time together.

Happy planning!

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