Brenchley Gardens Photo Experience with Joanne & Matt

My Photo Experience sessions, otherwise known as an Engagement Session is a fantastic way for us to get to know each other but more importantly a fantastic way for you to ensure your money is being wisely invested in your wedding photography.

This is a great way to start your wedding journey together and when combined with my pre-wedding sessions an invaluable way of preparing yourselves for your wedding photography.

I am excited to share Jo & Matt’s engagement session, a lovely couple who took up this great offer of my engagement session after meeting me at a recent wedding fair. We arranged a suitable date and time at Brenchley Gardens where I got some great photos of them together.


As you can see all of my photography takes on a natural look and feel all with a little guidance, not that Jo & Matt needed much help. Their love for each other helped to set the scene and allow me to capture some great photos of them together. Here I started of nice a gentle with them, building a nice mix of photos whilst finding out more about them and their wedding plans.


I love using the natural surroundings and light that’s available to get these fabulous pictures. The park was full of opportunities and we could have spent hours there getting hundreds of different photos of them together.


Happiness and laughter is great, I love it! It is clear to see how Jo & Matt belong together and they made my job so easy just by being themselves.


I really enjoyed photographing their engagement session and can’t wait to photograph both their pre-wedding session and wedding next year!


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