Southend Cliff Gardens Pre-wedding Session

Check out just a few of the photos from Sarah & Chris’ pre-wedding session

On the morning of Sarah and Chris’ pre-wedding session at Southend Cliff Gardens, I’ll admit, I was a little worried. The weather was poor, with downpours, which persisted until 30 minutes before we met.

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Thankfully, it subsided and soon dried up, which left us with a window of opportunity to capture some stunning photos of the happy couple, ahead of their wedding day.

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Given the weather, the gardens were quiet, which definitely worked to our advantage. This gave us the chance to use some of the garden’s usual people spots. We were also able to move freely around the park.

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Sarah and Chris quickly relaxed into their roles. This meant we could take the opportunity to not only get to know each other a little better, but to try out a few different poses. This definitely came in useful for their wedding photos.

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A pre-wedding session means that couples will be more relaxed on the day of their wedding. And they can really enjoy having their photos taken. They’re also a little more inclined to take some risks, which definitely pays off.


Sarah and Chris’ wedding recently took place at The Orangery Maidstone, Kent. Keep your eyes peeled for photos of their stunning day, coming soon!


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